• slovsprava@ukr.net
  • +38 (044)-044-279-60-17
  • ISSN 2786-4987 Online


The editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Lexicographic Bulletin” accepts for publication original, previously unpublished scientific articles related to the history of lexicography, methodology and technology of compilation of dictionaries of various types, analysis of Ukrainian and foreign lexicography, lexicology, phraseology, as well as problems of structural, semasiological, onomasiological, communicative, socio- and ethnocultural analysis of language facts, dictionary materials, reviews, chronicles, reviews dedicated to prominent linguists and scientific events, lexicographic consultations on complex or debatable issues of lexicology, phraseology and lexicography, definitions of terms of modern lexicography. The volume of material is up to 1 author’s sheet (40,000 characters with spaces). There is no article processing charge.

The collection includes headings: Lexicography, lexicology, phraseology: theory and practice; Dictionary materials; Computer technologies in lexicography; Personnel; Reviews, annotations; Chronicles; Anniversaries; Memory page; Lexicographic consultations; Terms of modern lexicography.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Ukrainian, the other Slavic languages (except for the Russian language), and English.

Manuscripts should be submitted identically in paper (in 2 numbered copies) and electronic versions to the e-mail address of the editorial board: slovsprava@ukr.net

The author signs the first page of the paper version of the article (date, full name).

Post-graduate students and applicants for the PhD degree should submit articles with the recommendation of the head of the department or scientific supervisor.

The editorial board and the author of the article sign a Copy Right Transfer Agreement.

The file name must contain the author’s last name, for example: Petrenko_stattya.docx or rtf. For adequate reproduction of the text of the materials in the collection, the authors provide, if necessary, the original fonts, as well as the text in pdf format.

Each article in the rubric “Lexicography, lexicology, phraseology: theory and practice” must have the following components: UDC code, article title and information about the author in Ukrainian and English. The author’s data must be submitted in the following order: full name, scientific degree, academic title, position, affiliation, postal code and address, e-mail address. This information must be duplicated in Ukrainian and English.

Registration requirements

Format: A-4, with 1.5 intervals.

Margins: right – 1.5 cm.; left, upper and lower – 2.5 cm each; paragraph – indent by 1.25 cm.

Font: Use 14 point Times New Roman typed in the Word for Windows editor (*.doc, *docx, *rtf). For a set of formulas, graphs and tables, you need to use special programs built into Word for Windows.

Special characters:

Use quotation marks in Ukrainian texts only as typographical « », but ” ” for the other language texts and as etymological information;

Put a dash sign using the short key combination –Ctrl–minus;

Initials within the article should be presented uniformly through the sign “non-breaking space” (Ctrl+Shift+space): M. P. Lisovyi.

Special fonts (if used) should be sent with the article file. Do not use neither hyphenation nor color highlights. Put the page numbering sequentially throughout the manuscript. Do not put a number on the first page.


The author’s name and surname should be placed on the right, lower left – UDC; print the name across the line in the center with a capital letter:


Olga Petrenko


UDC 161.2.81’374.46

One of the aspects of lexicographic fixation of terms


Then, across the line, the annotation and keywords in Ukrainian. The abstract in English should be placed across the line after the Legend and References at the end of the text.


Requirements for the article abstracts

– in Ukrainian: abstract (up to 500 characters with spaces) with keywords (up to 80 characters, no more than five words); avoid using general words, methodological details and abbreviations;

– in English: the article extended abstract (from 1800 to 2000 characters with spaces) with keywords.



– Reference citations of the scientific sources should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Submit the page with a semicolon after the serial number of the source, e.g.: [21: 107], [Ibid], [Ibid: 108]. In case of citing several sources, provide their numbers in ascending order; put a hyphen between adjacent numbers in the reference list [15; 22-23];

– citations of conditional abbreviations of sources should be put in round brackets, e.g.: (SFUM: 85), (Ibid.: 115);

– the volume of a multi-volume edition is to be indicated by a Roman numeral after the source number, e.g.: [7 V: 112].


Lists of conventional abbreviations and references

Sources and reference items should be submitted in the original language, formatted in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation (see http://library.nlu.edu.ua/Biblioteka/sait/DSTU_8302-2015.pdf)

The list of references (with conventional abbreviations of their names) should be submitted in alphabetical order through a line after the text of the article. References in alphabetical order should be presented through the line after the list of conventional abbreviations of sources. The bibliographic description should be drawn up in accordance with generally accepted requirements, first in Cyrillic, then in Latin. It is mandatory to indicate the number of volumes and issue years of first and last volumes for multi-volume publications; the initial and the final pages in the issue or book series for articles.

Legend should be submitted through the line after the reference list in two columns: the left for the original language, and the right for the English translation. References in Latin (through the line after the Legend) are presented in the following possible version of the structure of bibliographic references: transliterated surname and initials of the author (between the initials and the surname – a comma), the year of publication in round brackets, the translation of the title of the article and the source in English, original data with notations in English, in the language of the publication in round brackets.




  1. AK – Archival card index. 2018. URL: https://ak.iul-nasu.org.ua (last accessed: 07/25/22).
  2. SFUM – Dictionary of phraseological units of the Ukrainian language. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2003. 786 p.




  1. Koptilov, V. V. Theory and practice of translation. Kyiv: Higher School, 1982. 165 p.
  2. Strikha, M. Ukrainian artistic translation: between literature and nation-building. Kyiv: Fakt-Nash chas, 2006. 344 p.




  1. AK – Archival card index. URL: https://ak.iul-nasu.org.ua (last accessed: 25.07.22) (in Ukr.).
  2. FSUM – Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian (1993). Kyiv (in Ukr.).




  1. Koptilov, V. V. (1982). Theory and practice of translation. Kyiv: Higher School. 165 p. (in Ukr.).
  2. Strikha, M. (2006). Ukrainian artistic translation: between literature and nation-building. Kyiv: Fakt-Nash chas. 344 p. (in Ukr.).



Materials submitted for publication in the collection are subject to confidential review, each article receives at least two reviews. Additional independent, confidential peer review may be applied as needed.

The editorial board of the collection reserves the right to review and edit articles. In the event of a negative review or significant comments, the article may be rejected or sent to the author(s) for revision. We do not return rejected manuscripts to the authors. Reviewed, revised articles are considered by the editorial board of the collection. The collection is recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The author(s) of the publication is/are responsible for the accuracy of the provided information, references and the correctness of the English translation.

The materials published in the collection reflect the point of view of the authors, which may not always coincide with the position of the editorial board. In such cases, the editorial board of the collection reserves the right to indicate this in a comment to the article.

For direct communication between the editorial board of the collection and the author(s), the following information should be added to the article: author’s full name, mobile or landline home phone number, e-mail address.

On the website http://www.slovnyk.ua you can use the program for transliterating Ukrainian text into Latin for free.

On the website http://www.translit.ru – transliteration of texts in the Old Slavic language.