“Lexicographic bulletin” – a periodical of the department of lexicology, lexicography and structural-mathematical linguistics
“Lexicographic Bulletin” is a professional periodical that presents the scientific life of the department of lexicology, lexicography and structural-mathematical linguistics to the interested community, introduces the lexicographic work of the employees, their scientific interests, current issues of modern linguistic science and significant events in the life of the Ukrainian linguistic community.
The modern collection has its own history: the first edition of the publication (at that time – O. O. Potebnya Institute of Linguistics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) was published in 1951. A total of 9 issues was published (1951-1963). The idea of the edition appeared while preparing the academic explanatory “Dictionary of the Ukrainian language” in 11 volumes (Kyiv, 1970–1980). In 2004, the edition of the collection was resumed at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from the 10th issue. After all, “restoration of the “Lexicographic Bulletin” as a scientific yearbook of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language first of all sets itself the goal of preserving the continuity of generations in linguistic-Ukrainian studies – an extremely important process for the full-fledged development of the national science” [1: 4].
The collection is focused on highlighting the problems of lexicography of the Ukrainian language, in particular the history, theory of lexicography, methods and technology of compilation of dictionaries of various types, analysis of modern trends in Ukrainian and Slavic lexicography, generalization of lexicographic experience, problems of lexicology, phraseology, communicative, semasiological, onomasiological, structural analysis language material as the basis of its codification and parameterization; represents dictionary models of language units of different levels.
The collection includes the following headings: Lexicography, lexicology, phraseology: theory and practice; Dictionary materials; Personalities; Anniversaries; Reviews, Annotations, Overviews; Chronicles; Lexicographic consultations; Memory page; Terms of modern lexicography.
The rubric of “Lexicography, lexicology, phraseology: theory and practice” brings together material aimed at solving current problems of lexicography, lexicology, phraseology, corpus linguistics, computer lexicography, multifaceted analysis of linguistic material. The section covers the history of the lexical index and the department, substantiates the prerequisites for the creation of such important lexicographic works as New and updated words and meanings: dictionary materials (2002 – 2010) (2010), Russian-Ukrainian dictionary: in 4 volumes (2011 – 2014), Dictionary of the Ukrainian language in 11 volumes. Additional volume: in 2 books. (2017), Ukrainian lexicon of the late 18th – early 21st centuries: dictionary-index: in 3 volumes (2017), Dictionary of the language of creative personalities of Ukraine of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries (2022).
The “Dictionary materials” section, launched in the 14th issue of the “Lexicographic Bulletin”, introduces the lexicographic work of scientists and educators of Ukraine. The section publishes materials for the “Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of proper names of people”, “Dictionary of phraseological synonyms of Mykola Lukash”, “Dictionary of grammatical control of verbs”, “Dictionary of grammatical control of adjectives”, “Dictionary of the Roman nest of Ukraine lexemes”, “Dictionary of the language of creative personalities of Ukraine of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century”, materials of the Archive lexical index of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, interpretive “Dictionary of the Ukrainian language of the beginning of the 21st century” in 4 volumes, etc.
The “Personalities” column is dedicated to outstanding linguists whose scientific achievements are an invaluable contribution to the development of Ukrainian lexicography, lexicology, and phraseology. In the rubric, the history of lexicography is revealed through the personalities of outstanding scientists, in particular, former employees of the department P. Y. Horetskyi, I. M. Kirichenko, L. S. Palamarchuk, S. I. Holovashchuk, V. S. Ilyin, L. S. Skrypnyk, A. A. Buryachka, L. A. Yurchuk, L. O. Rodninoi, H. M. Udovichenka, H. M. Hnatyuk, and others.
Reviewing lexicographic works is an important component of a scientific experience, and a critical look at the theoretical and methodological principles of compiling dictionaries of various types provides an impetus for further development and improvement of the theory and practice of Ukrainian lexicography. In this regard, the rubric of “Reviews, Annotations, Overviews” is important, in which the employees of the department reviewed many lexicographic works, in particular the Dictionary of Ukrainian Scientific and Folk Names of Vascular Plants by Yu. Kobiv (2004), the Dictionary of Names of Persons by Type of Activity by M. P. Godovanoje (2009), Ukrainian youth slang: a modern picture of the world by P. M. Hrabovoy (2010), Word creation of independent Ukraine. 1991 – 2011: Dictionary by A. M. Nelyuba (2012), Dictionary of Volyn phraseology by N. V. Kirilkova (2013), Lexical and word-building innovations. 2012 – 2013: Dictionary A. Nelyuby, E. Redka (2014), Language is not tracing paper: a patriotic dictionary of good Ukrainian language “Let’s talk good!” T. Bereza, I. Zubrytska, Yu. Zeleny (2014) and others.
The “Chronicle” column contains information about important events in the life of the Ukrainian linguistic community, scientific meetings held at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language and universities of Ukraine and abroad with the participation of colleagues of the department, meetings of International Scientific Commissions, presentations of notable scientific publications.
Some issues of the “Lexicographic Bulletin” contain sections devoted to the publication of materials of International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences organized by the Institute of the Ukrainian Language, materials of the Plenum of the Scientific Council “Ukrainian Language”.
The bulletin publishes the works of department employees, colleagues from the Institute of Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, scientists from many universities of Ukraine, foreign scientists; saw the light of the first scientific explorations of many post-graduate and doctoral students of the department.
“Lexicographic Bulletin” is an important source of information, the pages of which contain a wide range of scientific developments in the field of lexicography, lexicology, and phraseology. The collection is a reliable guide in the history and the present-day of the dictionary business.
Lexicographic bulletin. Coll. of science works / Answer ed. d. philol. n., prof. V. V. Nimchuk. – K., 2004. – Vol. 10. – 113 p.